I Just Want More Of Your Presence

I Am A Child of The King

The first song ABBA FATHER is a short story of how the Lord continues to grow me and His gentle but stern way of taking me where I need to go. The song was written during our quarantine during COVID when the Lord reminded me that He hasn’t brought me this far to abandon me now. I would pray that it would be an inspiration to others that listen and relate to what God has done for them or can do for them if they only allow Him. It’s a short version of how we go through change when we allow the Lord to take control of our lives and watch as He does what only He can do.

  • I Am A Child of The King

Verse 1

I was headed down a road of destruction and shame
Jesus came into my life and I've never been the same
He’ve taken my guilt, my sorrow and my blame
He changed my direction, gave me a new name


I am a child, I'm a child of the King
There are those in high places watching over me
I have no fear when I face my enemies
‘Cause I’m a child, I'm a child of the King

Verse 2

You set me on a path to fulfill my destiny
I'm no longer a slave to sin Your blood has set me free
Jesus, You paid the price and I am not my own
This earth is my mission, but Heaven is my home


I am a child, I'm a child of the King
There are those in high places watching over me
I have no fear when I face my enemies
‘Cause I’m a child, I'm a child of the King

Verse 3

You opened my eyes Lord and now I can see
From glory to glory is where You’re leading me
I surrendered all I am and all I’ll ever be
To walk with You now and throughout eternity


I am a child, I'm a child of the King
There are those in high places watching over me
I have no fear when I face my enemies
‘Cause I’m a child, I'm a child of the King


Glory, glory Hallelujah... ... Glory, glory Hallelujah
I am chosen, I'm adopted, Royal blood runs through my veins
No one can take that away, My Daddy knows my name.